Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Angered, Unemployed dad slaughters family

Ervin Antonio Lupoe shot his wife, five children and himself yesterday after he and his wife were laid off from there jobs at an LA hospital. After Lupoe was fired he went to a co-worker for advice, the co-worker was quoted to say, "You should have blown your own brains out". Lupoe then returned to his home and brutually slaughtered his wife and five children. Before taking his own life he faxed a local television station. The note said "Why leave the children to a stranger?", "Oh lord, my God, is there no hope for a widow's son?". This horrible and tragic accurance has shown how much workers are worried about losing their jobs in this terrible economic time.

I think this is one of the most horrible and brutal story i have ever heard about. This man should have contained his anger and searched for legal and financial aid instead of taking his families life because he is afraid that they might have to live on the street or a foster home. This is also an example of the stress that workers have to deal with in their day to day life. Some people such as Lupoe believe that it is the end of line if they were to be fired or laid off in this terrible economic time

Monday, January 26, 2009

Obama helps NYC

Obama plans to get New York City back on track. His plan is to give 3.4 billion to the big apple over the next two years. The reason for this is to close NYC's budget gap by giving 1.6 billion to education and 1.8 billion more to Medicaid reimbursement. This would help this large city get out of the large debt they are currently in. It is estimated that New York's debt could rise to 11.3 billion over the next 3 years because of sinking revenues. It looks less probable with Obama's plan in place.

I think that Obama is doing the right thing here by helping New York out. The reason I think this is because he is funding the two most important things for them: education and Medicaid reimbursement. This is a great step in the right direction for both Obama and the city of NYC. I hope this funding will continue in the near future to other cities in need.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Two men condemned in Chinese milk scandal

A court in China condemned two men to death on Thursday. They also gave a life sentence to a dairy company owner. They received these brutal sentences as punishment for tainting milk, which has left 6 babies dead and another 300,000 ill. Investigations showed that these men watered down raw milk, then mixed it in with a banned substance called chemical melamine. This made the milk appear like it had more protein than normal milk. The community voiced there outrage. Zheng Shuzhen had lost her grandchild to the scandal had this to say "My granddaughter died. She (Tian) should die too, she should be shot,". She is referring to Tian Wenhua who used to run the company that tainted milk. Thankfully she received a life sentence.

In my opinion the sentences that were handed out to these to these individuals were were perfect. Someone who dedicates there life to making toxic food and drinks should be killed or at least receive a life sentence. This will hopefully put an end to the food recalls in China and hopefully no more people will be exposed to toxic food.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

No sprinklers in seniors home fire

Muskoka Heights retirement home went up in smoke early yesterday. The blaze killed 2 seniors and left 8 other in critical condition. The worst part about this blaze is that the building, which was deemed fire safe had no sprinklers on the inside of it. In his defence the owner of the home, Dean Rushlow said "I have no idea what year the building was built, but ... because it is built many, many years ago, (sprinklers) weren't required back then". Rushlow, unfortunately was correct. Ontario's Fire Protection and Prevention Act for some reason says that "nursing homes less than four-storeys tall aren't required to install sprinklers". Ontario's fire Marshal, Pat Burke was very upset with the matter. He believes that all buildings, regardless of size should have sprinklers installed in the event of a fire. Hopefully Muskoka Heights learned its lesson from this very tragic event.

I think this is a very tragic event, that could have been prevented if the home had taken the necessary safety percussions. Even though the law states that buildings of this size are not required to have sprinklers, the owner should have used common sense and taken the steps required to protect the people he was being paid to look after. Finally I hope other buildings not just senior's homes put safety first, so they can prevent a tragic event such as this from occurring.